====== Excel parameter format ====== This parameter format is used by both Ecolego and the [[Parameter_database|parameter database]]. Each spreadsheet of the Excel file can contain one or more [[Parameter|parameters]] or [[Parameter_instance|instances]] respectively. The sheet contains two sections: - [[Parameter_definition|Definitions]] for each [[Parameter|parameter]] or [[Parameter_instance|instance]] in the spreadsheet. - [[Parameter_value|Values]] ===== Definition ===== The columns of the definition section are always the same: * **Name** - The [[Name|name]] of the parameter. * **Dependencies** - The dependencies [[Dependencies_(Parameter_database)|index list]] of the parameter (may be empty). * **Unit** - The [[Units|unit]] of the parameter. * **Category** - The [[category|category]] assigned to the block. * **Full name** - The [[Full_name|full name]] of the parameter. * **Symbol** - The [[Symbol|symbol]] of the parameter. * **Description** - A description of the parameter. ===== Values ===== The first columns of the Values section depend on the data to be presented. * **Parameter** * **Name** - The [[Name|name]] of the parameter (as listed in the definition section). * **Unit** - The [[Units|unit]] of the parameter (as listed in the definition section) * **Dependencies** - These columns are used for [[index_list#Index|indecies ]] of the [[Parameter_value|value]]. The number of columns depend on the dependencies of each parameter as listed in the definition section. * **Data** - This group of columns is available when the parameters have either values or time dependent data. * **Lookup data** - The “x” value of a lookup table, typically time. * **Values** - The “y” values of a lookup table * **Cyclic** - Whether the time series is cyclic or not (TRUE or FALSE) * **Interpolation** - Lookup interpolation (see [[Lookup_table|Lookup table]]) for more information. * **Value** - The deterministic (best estimate) value of a parameter. * **Distribution** - This group is displayed if any of the parameters has a distribution. * **Distribution** - The distribution, defined with a name and arguments. * **//Arguments//** - Arguments to the distributions. * **Statistics** - Statistical values for the parameter. In Ecolego the min/max values of a [[Parameter|parameter]] will end up here. * **References** * **References** - Literature references * **Comments** - Comments %%**%% Export info - See below * **Instance** - [[Tag|Tags]] and GUID for the parameter. | GUID | Globally unique identifier| A 16 letter code which is used to identify a value or object in Ecolego, and which acts as a link between Ecolego, the parameter database and Excel.| ==== Export info ==== The last column of the values section is used as a link between a specific Ecolego [[Parameter|parameter]] or database [[Parameter_instance|instance]]. [[Tag|Tags]] are written in plain text, separated by comma. The GUID is added as a comment to the cell.