====== Radionuclide decay chain ====== Decay chains are made up of [[Radionuclide_decay_pair|pairs]] of parent/daughter [[Radionuclide|radionuclide]], where the daughter is said to be a decay product of the parent. The branching ratio of the [[Radionuclide_decay_pair|decay pair]] determines the fraction of the parent which is transformed into daughter. Ecolego will automatically handle decay (loss of amount/activity due to decay) and ingrowth (the increase of amount/activity in a daughter due to the decay of its parent). ===== Creating decay chains ===== The [[Nuclide_database_window|radionuclide database window]] allows you generate decay chains by simply selecting the top parent radionuclide. The decay chain can then be edited, typically to remove short-lived daugther nuclides, and then imported to the model. See [[Importing_decay_chains|Importing decay chains]] Decay chains can also be created manually by first importing individual radionuclides from the [[Materials_window|materials window]] and then building chains by creating [[Radionuclide_decay_pair|decay pairs]] in the [[Radionuclide_decay_window|radionuclide decay window]]. ===== See also ===== * [[Importing_decay_chains|Importing decay chains]]