====== Tutorial 7 - Creating a Transport model ====== ===== 3/5 ===== You will now try to replicate the results from the [[Compartment|Compartment]] model with a [[Transport|Transport]] block. As the equations and parameters are the same, you can re-use the previous model. \\ **Creating the model structure**
  1. Save the previous project with a new name.

  2. Create a [[Transport|Transport]] block by right-clicking in the [[Blocks_window|Blocks window]] and choosing **Create | Transport**.

  3. Expand the [[Transport|Transport]] block.

  4. Copy [[Transfer|Transfer]] block with name Input and past so that it connects //Source// with //Begin//. You can do this either by dragging the block directly in the matrix to its new position, or by editing the block and changing the target property from //Layer_1// to //Begin//.

  5. Copy the [[Transfer|Transfer]] block //Advection_1_2// and past so that it connects //Begin// with //End//. **Edit** the block and rename it to “Advection”.

  6. Copy the [[Transfer|Transfer]] block //Advection_3_Out// and past so that it connects //End// with //Out//. **Edit** the block and rename it to “Advection_Out”.

  7. Create one more [[Expression|Expression]], name it Flux_Out_2 and fill equation field with //End*Advection_Out//.




  8. The number of discretizations is now determined by the built-in block //Transport.N//.

\\ **Assigning values** - Edit Transport.N. Change the value to “3”. - [[Running_simulations|Run a simulation]]. Do you get the same results as with the classic [[compartment|compartment]] model? Compare //Flux_out// and //Flux_out_2//. - Try to run simulations and vary the value of //N//. What happens? Why? - Save the project. \\ **Solution to this part** * {{tutorial:Solution_transport_2.eco?linkonly}} **Next** * [[Tutorial_7-Adding_diffusion_to_the_compartment_model|Adding diffusion to the compartment model (4/5)]] **Previous** * [[Tutorial_7-Creating_a_transport_the_old_fashioned_way|Creating a transport the old fashioned way (2/5)]] **References** * [[Tutorials|Back to Tutorials]] * [[start|Home]]