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Ecolego is a powerful and flexible software tool for creating dynamic models and performing deterministic or probabilistic simulations. Ecolego can be used for conducting risk assessments of complex dynamic systems evolving over time with any number of species. Ecolego has specialised databases and other add-ons designed for the field of radiological risk assessment.

The graphical user interface helps the user to define and manage building blocks, parameters, species and simulation settings. Ecolego also helps to create reports, to plot simulation results, to perform probabilistic simulations and sensitivity analysis.

Parameter Database

Parameter Database Screenshot

The parameter database is a free product which can be set up to centralize and quality assure parameter data. Storing parameters in the parameter database assures that data is traceable and transparent.


  • Stores values, time series, statistics and probability density functions.
  • Attach comments, references or documents to any value.
  • Tag parameter instances
  • Role based user permissions make sure that users only access what they are allowed to.
  • Import/export to Microsoft Excel.
  • Built-in usability status ladder for quality assurance


Ecolego and its sub-products are platform independent and run on 32/64 bit Win2000/XP/Vista/7, MacOSX, Linux and Unix.


Ecolego has been sponsored by SSM, Sweden and NRPA, Norway

Eikos has been sponsored by Posiva OY and NRPA


ECOLEGO - A toolbox for radioecological risk assessment Proceedings of the International Conference on the Protection from the Effects of Ionizing Radiation, IAEA-CN-109/80. Stockholm: International Atomic Energy Agency. 229 - 232.

Further AMBER and Ecolego Intercomparisons SKI Report 2004:05 SSI Report 2004:01

AMBER and Ecolego Intercomparisons using Calculations from SR 97 SKI Report 2003:28, SSI report 2003:11

Ekström P-A, 2005. Eikos. A Simulation Toolbox for Sensitivity Analysis. M.Sc. thesis, Uppsala University, UPTEC Report IT 05 015.

Poster (Proceedings of The 2nd International Conference on Radioactivity in the Environment, ISBN 82-90362-21-8. 2-6 October 2005 in Nice, France. 361-364.)

Ekström P-A, Broed R, 2006. Sensitivity Analysis Methods and a Biosphere Test Case Implemented in Eikos. Posiva Working Report 2006-31, 84 pp.

about.1674728741.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/26 11:25 by boris