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List of issues

From time to time, users have issues installing and/or activating our products.
Sometimes, the problem can be on our end, but to make sure where the problem is, it is important to communicate with the customer and ask them to try some of the following things to see if it is possible to fix the issue quickly.

Installation issues

To install Ecolego or any of the players, the user needs to download the installation tool. From then on, they should follow the installation path.
However, sometimes, the issue is that the customer cannot get to the installation tool. This can be due to different issues.

VPN Issues

VPN Issues arise due to the users antivirus programs. In this case, one of the solutions is to ask the customer to contact the IT department, and to temporarily deactivate the antivirus. This is not always possible.
Sometimes in big companies, it is not very simple to deactivate the antivirus for just one user.

Activation issues

If the user has successfully installed the product, next step is to activate the product. Usually the user will do a on-line activation. However, due to VPN, this can be problematic, and then we advise the user to to an off-line activation. To make the off-line activation, contact Boris. He will help you to generate the off-line activation license

Issues with Terminals

Some customers, especially in universities, use computers that are called terminals. This means the computer is connected to a remote server, so off-line activation needs some extra manual steps by the user(customer).

1. Remove the PRODUCT by using the uninstall tool
2. Run the installation of the PRODUCT again
3. Put the latest qlmLicense.xml into C:\Users\<slutanvändare>\AppData\Roaming\PRODUCT for the off-line activation.

Issues with removal the folder

There was a case with one of the customers during an off-line activation, where there was an EXTRA step needed in order to activate the license. User kept getting an error during the activation (see the picture bellow).

1. Remove the PRODUCT, uninstall first, remove the folder for the PRODUCT where it was installed, and remove PRODUCT folder in ‘%AppData%, so make sure everything related to the software is removed.
2. Start PRODUCT, and you will get ERROR as you will get the same error. (It is important to get the error for the tool to create the folder under AppData\Roaming).
3. Close PRODUCT.
4. Open your ‘%AppData%\PRODUCT’ directory and paste the ‘qlmLicense.xml’ generated by Boris.
5. Start PRODUCT.
*product in this example was PREDO

click_here.1674816654.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/27 11:50 by boris