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Importing a Word Document

If you would like to import a word document to the site, please follow these instructions:

  1. Download MarkdownMacro.dotm, which is a macro enabled word 2007 template.
  2. Use the template to create a new macro enabled document.
  3. Be sure to allow the execution of macros. (You’ll probably get a warning saying that it might be vurneable and that it has been blocked.
  4. Copy and Paste the contents of your original document into the newly created macro enabled document.
  5. Press Alt+F11 to open the VBA editor
  6. Go Tools>Macros and run the macro named MarkDown.
  7. Close the VBA editor.
  8. The contents of the documents can now be pasted into a wiki-page.
importing_a_word_document.1574080456.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/18 13:34 by