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Installing and operating Ecolego Player

System requirements

Ecolego Player is platform independent and runs on 32/64-bit Windows 7/8.1/10 or later, MacOS, Linux and Unix.

Download Ecolego Player

You need to place an order on Ecolego website. Once we have confirmed your order, you will receive an email with the download link.

Ecolego Player can be freely downloaded by anybody who has registered an account on Ecolego website.

Installing Ecolego Player

When you have downloaded the installation file, simply run it and follow the instructions that will be given.

License Activation

The activation of the Ecolego Player license takes place automatically, but you need connection to internet. If your network blocks the online activation, please use the “Activation Request” option to generate the offline activation information and send it to our support ( and we will send you the offline activation code.

installing_and_operating_ecolego_player.1674819355.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/01/27 12:35 by boris