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Result Charts Page

After a simulation, the result charts page will list all available simulation outputs. Simulation outputs are selected in the simulation page, by editing the simulation settings.

Depending on the type of simulation that has been run, different charts are available. A chart is created by selecting outputs in the list. The player will attempt to create a chart which suites the selected output, but if you want a specific chart you can select the chart type from the menu.

Time chart Creates a time chart
Scatter chartCreates a scatter chart
Histogram Creates a histogram. This chart is only available for probabilistic results.
Tornado Creates a tornado chart. This chart is only available for probabilistic results.
Clone Duplicates the currently visible chart.
Help Displays this help page.


Lists all available simulation outputs. When you select an output in the list, a chart is automatically created for you. If you want a specific type of chart, either click the corresponding button in the menu or right-click and select the chart from the menu that appears.

The search box allows you to filter out outputs based on the information entered below.


When you select an output in the Results list, a chart will automatically be created which is titled “Quickview”. This chart is replaced as soon as you select other outputs in the list. To retain the chart, you must create a chart using the menu buttons.

Each chart is given a page identified by the title of the chart. To change the properties of the chart, you can either use the buttons beneath in the Plot box, or right-click the chart and select Edit from the menu.

Types of charts

Exporting data

You can export data for a given chart either to an Excel file. Right-click the chart and select Export data….
