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Installing the Parameter Database

This instruction describes installation of SQL Server and Parameter database on your computer. If you want to install the Parameter database on a server machine of your organisation to share access to database - see instruction Installing on the Server of Organisation

Step 1 - Installing SQL Server Express

1.1) Download the setup.exe file for the installation of SQL Server Express from Microsoft official website. Make sure to select the free Express edition of SQL Server at this page:

1.2) Launch installation.

Install SQL Server Express using the Installation Wizard GUI launched from the setup.exe file.

Windows might ask you to install additional software components or service packs before installation of SQL Server will be possible

Note that almost all the settings during installation should be left in their default state. Exception is that it is recommended to install SQL Server as “default instance”. You might need to change this setting from its default state (see screendump in the file above). If you have selected to install it as named instance - refer to the section Advanced when performing Step 3 and Step 4.

1.3) Restart your computer

Step 2 - Installing "Facilia DB" software on your computer

“Facilia DB” software includes a User Interface and Administration tool for access and manage the Parameter Database.

2.1) For customers who have purchased the Ecolego Parameter database toolbox, contact Ecolego support ( to receive the download link for the setup file.

2.2) Run the setup file and follow instructions to complete installation of “Facilia DB” software on your computer.

Step 3 - Creating parameter database on SQL server

3.1) After finishing of installation of “Facilia DB” software - find a sub-folder utilities in the software installation folder, typically C:\Program Files\Facilia DB\utilities

3.2) Copy folder utilities to your desktop

3.3) There is a file inst.bat in the folder utilities. If you like to change default installation settings - you need to edit this file as described in the section Advanced below. Otherwise perform instructions described in the item 6

4.4) Run file inst.bat located in the folder utilities by double-clicking on the file name in Windows Explorer. Database will be created. The process of database creation may takes several minutes

In the case of success you will get message “Database has been created”

In the case of errors you will get the message “Error! Check file log.txt”. Open file log.txt located in the same directory to review details about error. In the case of errors you might need also to use information provided in Advanced section below.


Database will have the name facilia_db_template and will be installed to the default instance of SQL Server located on the local computer using Windows Authentication. By editing file inst.bat you can install database with another name, use named instance of SQL Server located on the sever or local computer, use SQL Server Authentication instead of Windows Authentication. Inst.bat contains comments which will help you.

Step 4 - Allow TCP/IP connection to the server

4.1) Run program SQL Server Configuration Manager located in the folder Microsoft SQL Server 2012→Configuration Tools (or Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2→Configuration tool). For example in Windows 7 - select Start→ All Programs → Microsoft SQL Server 2012→Configuration tools.

4.2) In Configuration manager - select SQL Server Network Configuration.

4.3) Click on the Protocols for instance_name. In the case if only one SQL server is installed on your computer - the list will contain only one line Protocols for MSSQLEXPRESS

4.4) Double-click on TCP/IP

4.5) In the dialog which will appear - set Enabled to Yes (or verify that it is in Yes state) and click OK


If you have installed SQL Server as named instance - follow the additional instructions

Step 5 - Create administrator user account and first project

5.1) Run Facilia DB Administration tool.

5.2) Enter user in the Name fileld and fdb in the Password field in the login screen of the tool.

5.3) Create new user account (using button Create user on the toolbar).

5.4) Create new project (using button Create project on the toolbar).

5.5) Assign newly created user to the role of administrator of this project (using table Roles).

5.6) Exit Facilia DB Administration tool.

installing_the_parameter_database.1677145565.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/23 10:46 by boris