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Parameters (Parameter database)

The parameter screen lists all parameter definitions of the current project.

Creating definitions

Create a new definition by clicking the New button.

Name The (abbreviated) name of the parameter as used in equations. A more explanatory name can be given as the full name. The name must be unique within the project. The name must begin with a letter. The name can only contain English letters, digits (0-9) and underscore (_). If the name does not fulfill the rules stated above, an error message will be presented. The window will also warn the user when the name is very similar to another parameter, as it is then likely that the parameter is already defined.
Full name A descriptive name of the parameter.
Unit The unit. Write *unitless* for parameters which have no unit.
Dependencies Select dependencies for the parameter. Two dependencies are allowed, and must have been created in advance.
Symbol The symbol will be used when pretty-printing equations. For example, the symbol for density is often the Greek letter ρ (rho).
Description A description of the parameter.
Also see:
parameters_parameter_database.1637759121.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/24 14:05 by mina