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Tutorial 2 - Creating compartments


This lesson will teach you how to create Compartment blocks, and how to connect them with Transfer blocks.

The two state variables Cwater and Cfish (the mass of the contaminant in water and fish resp.) are modelled with Compartment blocks.

Creating a project

  1. Create a new project by clicking the New button on the toolbar or by selecting File | New from the Menu bar.
  2. Make sure that the Modeling layout is visible by clicking the Modelling button on the toolbar.

Creating the Water compartment

  1. Make sure that the Matrix window is opened by selecting Window | Matrix from the Menu bar.
  2. Right-click the first diagonal element in the Interaction matrix. Select Compartment from the pop-up menu.
  3. Double-click the Compartment, or right-click it and select Edit from the pop-up menu.
  4. Make sure that the Properties tab is selected
    • Enter “Water” in the Name field.
    • Enter “Mass in water” in the Full Name field.
  5. Select the Apperance tab.
    • Click the Image button. Select “Media | Water.jpg”.
  6. Select the Values tab. In the table, write “100” in the Initial Condition column.
  7. Close the edit window by clicking Ok

Creating the Fish compartment

  1. Right-click the second diagonal element in the Interaction matrix. Select Compartment from the pop-up menu.
  2. Double-click the second Compartment, or right-click it and select Edit from the pop-up menu.
  3. Select the Properties tab
    • Enter “Fish” in the Name field.
    • Enter “Mass in fish” in the Full Name field.
  4. Select the Apperance tab.
    • Click the Image button. Select “Fauna | Fish.jpg”.
  5. The initial condition for Fish is 0 by default, so you do not need to enter anything in the Values tab.
  6. Close the edit window by clicking Ok




tutorial_2-creating_compartments.1678794277.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/03/14 12:44 by dmytroh