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The module library is an integrated “database” for sub-system modules. Any sub-system can be added to the library, so that it can be re-used later on in other projects.

Modules are organized in the library in a normal file structure with folders and files.

Creating a library file

After creating number of subsystems in a project, there might be a need to pack them in a library, and send to other users, or save them for later use. To create a library file (file with the .ecl extensione), use has to:

  1. Open Ecolego
  2. Go to File → Library → Manage libraries
  3. Mark the sub-systems that should be in the library using ctrl or shirt keys on the keyboard
  4. Click on Export
  5. Add the name to the library

This file can be later imported as a library in the same “Manage library folder”, with the button named Import.

Adding sub-systems to the library

From the Projects window:

  • Right-click the sub-system in the project tree and select Add to library from the popup menu.

From the Model window:

  • Right-click the sub-system in the matrix and select Add to library from the popup menu. Note that the sub-system must be “collapsed”.

The library window

The library dialog lets you select a folder for the module and modify some information:

  • Library - Select a folder for the module. This list is initially empty, until folders have been added to the library. To add a folder, right-click in this list and select New.
  • Name - Give a name for your module. If the name is the same as a module in the same folder, that module will be overwritten.
  • Image - Click to select an image for the module. The image will be displayed in the library list.
  • Description - Enter a description for the module. It is recommended that the description includes the following information:
    • Overview - A brief description of what the module is for
    • Context - A comment on which cases, or in which context, the module is suitable for. For instance, details on what materials it supports.

Click Ok to add the module.

Retrieving sub-systems from the library

From the Projects window:

  • Right-click the target sub-system in the project tree and select Get from library from the pop-up menu.

From the Model window:

  • Right-click an empty cell in the matrix and select Get from library from the pop-up menu.

The library window

The library list let you navigate the library hierarchy. Once a module is selected, information about it will be displayed in the fields to the right.

Click Ok to add the module.

Caution! When adding a module from the library to a project that already contains modules, Ecolego will search for input/output names in the new module that matches the input/output names of the existing modules. If matches are found, the user will be prompted if he wants to automatically connect these. This is only recommended for users that are familiar with the library modules - mistakes are easily made unless the module library is carefully constructed.

Managing the library

To manage the library, select File | Library | Manage library….

The library window lets you change module information and create, rename or delete folders. It also lets you import a library or export the library.

  • New - Create a new folder
  • Delete - Delete the currently selected folder
  • Import… - Import a new library folder from a file
  • Export… - Export the currently selected folder to a file
  • Library - Lists all folders and modules. Select a folder or module to edit it’s properties
  • Name - Click to change the name of the currently selected folder or module
  • Image - Click to change the image of the currently selected module
  • Description - Click to change the description of the currently selected module

See also

library.1638440329.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/12/02 11:18 by mina