Table of Contents

Sensitivity analysis in Ecolego

For tutorials of how to use the toolbox, please see Sensitivity analysis examples.


The following methods are included in the Sensitivity analysis toolbox:

Correlation/Regression coefficients:

* included in standard Ecolego + EASI

Screening methods:

Variance-based methods:

Method Description First orderTotal orderCustom order
SobolBrute force method to compute any order of sensitivity indices OK OK OK
FAST Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test. Computes the first order sensitivity index of each selected parameter. OK    
EFAST Extended Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test. Computes the first and total sensitivity index of each selected parameter or groups of parameters. OK OK
EASI An effective algorithm for computing global sensitivity indices. Computes correlation measures and the first order sensitivity index (EASI) using random (Monte Carlo or Latin Hyper cube) samples from probability distributions on the model parameters. OK  


The toolbox is made up of the following views




Two new charts are included with the toolbox.


See also