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Excel parameter format

This parameter format is used by both Ecolego and the parameter database.

Each spreadsheet of the Excel file can contain one or more parameters or instances respectively. The sheet contains two sections:

  1. Definitions for each parameter or instance in the spreadsheet.


The columns of the definition section are always the same:

  • Name - The name of the parameter.
  • Index list-1 - The first index list of the parameter (may be empty).
  • Index list-2 - The second index list of the parameter (may be empty).
  • Unit - The unit of the parameter.
  • Type - The type of value - either Parameter or Time-series (Lookup table).
  • Full name - The full name of the parameter.
  • Symbol - The symbol of the parameter.
  • Description - A description of the parameter.


The first columns of the Values section depend on the data to be presented.

  • Parameter
    • Name - The name of the parameter (as listed in the definition section).
    • Unit - The unit of the parameter (as listed in the definition section)
  • Dependencies - These columns are used for indices of the value. The number of columns depend on the dependencies of each parameter as listed in the definition section.
  • Data - This group of columns is available when the parameters have either values or time dependent data.
    • Lookup data - The “x” value of a lookup table, typically time.
    • Values - The “y” values of a lookup table
    • Cyclic - Whether the time series is cyclic or not (TRUE or FALSE)
    • Interpolation - Lookup interpolation (see Lookup table for more information.
    • Value - The deterministic (best estimate) value of a parameter.
  • Distribution - This group is displayed if any of the parameters has a distribution.
    • Distribution - The distribution, defined with a name and arguments.
    • Arguments - Arguments to the distributions.
  • Statistics - Statistical values for the parameter. In Ecolego the min/max values of a parameter will end up here.
  • References
    • References - Literature references
    • Comments - Comments ** Export info - See below
    • Instance - Tags and GUID for the parameter.
GUID Globally unique identifier A 16 letter code which is used to identify a value or object in Ecolego, and which acts as a link between Ecolego, the parameter database and Excel.

Export info

The last column of the values section is used as a link between a specific Ecolego parameter or database instance.

Tags are written in plain text, separated by comma. The GUID is added as a comment to the cell.

excel_parameter_format.1676386449.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/02/14 15:54 by daria