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Tutorial 5 - Connecting the Sub-systems


Connecting the sub-systems

  1. Close, or “collapse”, all the sub-systems.

  2. Add a Connector block in the off-diagonal cell connecting Agricultural Land with Concentrations in Food.

  3. Edit the Connector and connect the Conc_Soil block in the sub-system AgriLand to Conc_Soil - Conc_Food.

  4. Add a Connector block in the off-diagonal cell which connects Agricultural land with Doses.

  5. Edit the Connector and click the Values tab. Connect Conc_Soil-AgriLand and Conc_Soil-Doses.

  6. Add a Connector block in the off-diagonal cell which connects Concentrations in Food with Doses.

  7. Edit the Connector and connect Conc_Crops-Conc_Food with Conc_Crops-Doses.

Running a simulation

Follow the steps below to run a simulation and see if the connections have been made:

  1. Add both Conc_Soil-AgriLand and Conc_Soil-Doses to the list of outputs in Simulation Settings.

  2. Run a new simulation and plot these two outputs in the same graph. If Conc_Soil (AgriLand) and Conc_Soil (Doses) are connected the outputs should be identical.





tutorial_5-connecting_the_sub-systems.1582133829.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/19 18:37 by ecoloco