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Time point

Parameters are objects that hold values and that are used in other objects of the model, for instance in Transfers and Expressions. The value of a parameter must remain constant through a simulation, and is given either as a number or a probability density function.

For time dependent data, use a Lookup table.

Creating a Time point

From the Projects window

  • Expand the Project to which you wish to add the compartment by clicking the + symbol next to it. Right-click on ‘Blocks’, or a sub-system in ‘Blocks’, and select Time point from the pop-up menu.

From the Matrix window

  • Right click an empty diagonal cell of the matrix and select Time point from the the pop-up menu.

From the Blocks window

  • Place the mouse cursor over the table and right-click on it. Select New | Time point from the pop-up menu, or
  • In the title bar, select Time point from the Type drop-down list and click on the New button.

Editing a Timepoint

The block editor is shown by right-clicking the block in a window and selecting Edit. In the Blocks window, you can also show the block editor by selecting the block and clicking the Edit button, or by double-clicking the right-most “validation” column of the block.

The block editor has three tabs:


This page lets you edit basic properties such as name, sub-system and base unit. See editing properties for more information.


This page lets you edit the visual properties of the block in the matrix window and graph window. See editing appearance for more information.


Here you edit index specific values such as nominal values and probability density functions. See editing values for more information.

Dimension - You can specify the dimension of the parameter by using the Type drop down list. Depending on the dimension the index drop down lists are activated.

Data - The data table contains the following columns:

  • Indices - For timepoints that are non-scalar, the first columns will specify indices from the Index lists. This allows you to specify different values for different indices. The top row is named “default” and can be used when the same value should be set for all indices.
  • Settings - By clicking on settings, option to change the mode appears. Adjacent to this, options for selection of value will change. Default mode for the Timepoint is set in date format.
  • Value - By clicking in the value field a dropdown to select the value will appear. In case changes in mode were made, different values for timepoint can be selected as values.


The database tab lets you quickly import values for the edited timepoint from either the local or external database.

NoteMost block properties can be edited directly in the Blocks window.

See also

time_point.1636982900.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/15 14:28 by mina